NEw LIfe In Christ
Now You’re Saved, WHAT NEXT?
Congratulations on your new life in Christ, Heaven rejoices! We also rejoice with you and would love to partner with you on this journey.
New Believers
Your journey of faith starts here.
1. The Sinner’s Prayer
Feel free to read on to #2 if you’ve already completed this step. If you haven’t, the Sinner’s Prayer is your first step in order to welcome Jesus Christ into your life.
2. Complete Our Form
If you got saved through one of our services, we would love to know. Your decision is worthy of celebration, and we would really like to celebrate with you.
3. Watch Our Video Series
Becoming a part of God’s kingdom is a life-changing privilege. We’ve put together short videos to show you how to grow in God’s grace and favour.

Praying The
Witnessing someone make the decision to welcome Jesus into their life is just as significant as making that choice yourself. Its one of life’s greatest joys — and it all starts with the Sinner’s Prayer.
That you believe Jesus died for your sins and rose again (Romans 10:9)
Admit that you are a sinner and ask for forgiveness (1 John 1:9)
Invite the Lord into your heart (John 1:12)
Here’s the prayer
you can pray right now:
Heavenly Father, I come to you today as a sinner. Please forgive me for all my sins. I believe you died for me and rose again so that I can be saved. I boldly declare today that Jesus is Lord. Jesus, save my soul, come into my heart and make me a brand new person, fill me with the Holy Spirit, and help me to please you every day. Thank you, Lord, because now I am saved and born again!
Now that you’re born again, what next?
Once you have made the decision to welcome Jesus into your life, we celebrate! Next, please fill out the form below so we can get in touch with you to give you more resources.
Check out our short video series of useful and practical next steps to help new believers.
01 Pray Each Day
02 Read The Bible
03 Join A Bible Believing Church
04 Get Baptized
05 Seek To Grow
Additional Materials for Your Growth
Tips For
Effective Evangelism
The journey to win souls is both a privilege and a responsibility for every believer. As ambassadors of Christ, we are called to share the Gospel with boldness, compassion, and wisdom. As you embrace these strategies, may you be empowered to boldly proclaim the Good News and witness the life-changing impact of Christ's love in Jesus’ name!
Are you interested in doing more to evangelize?
Read A Skilled Sower by Apostle Emmanuel Adewusi or Join our Soul Hunters.
Jesus is the Lord of the harvest (Matthew 9:38), this means that He is the one who will do all the work through us. The part we play is to be open, willing, and available to be used by Him — He will do the rest. Remember God does the convicting, we just open our mouths to share.
One of the most important components of evangelism is prayer. Each day ask God to lead you to those who are ready to receive the gospel, pray for those you are pursuing, and ask God to give you a heart for the lost.
Challenge yourself! Whether it be one soul won a year, a month, or a day — start somewhere and actively pursue that goal!
Everyone at any point in time has an area where they could use Jesus. Identify that area and lead with that (Ex. Finances: He is the Provider, Depression: He is the Prince of Peace, Trauma: He is the God who restores, etc.)
Your testimony is one of your most powerful weapons — use it! Share your story with others and let them know what God has done and is doing in your life!
Here are some examples and scripture references for context:
What do you think happens after we die? Why do you think that? (John 3:16)
If Jesus was here knocking at the door of your heart, what would you do? (Revelation 3:20)
Who is Jesus to you? (John 14:6)
Do you believe that Jesus loves you? Why do you say that? (John 3:16)