Giving at CCCG
Commit to
Giving to the church is one way of giving back to God. We believe that we are only stewards of God’s resources because He is the owner of all that we have. At Cornerstone Christian Church of God we give willingly and with a joyful heart as an act of worship to our Father.
“The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it…”
Psalm 24:1
What’s the process
We offer multiple ways to give at CCCG. Take advantage of any of these options as you tithe and contribute:
We accept contributions via Interac e-Transfer to ensure all your giving goes to CCCG. Please follow these steps to give:
Open the online/mobile banking site for your bank.
Select the option to ‘Send Money’ or ‘Interac e-Transfer.’
Choose your $ amount and add a contact with this email: info@cccghq.org
If required, use this for the security question:
Q: What is this for?
A: Offering
If you are outside Canada, you can give via our partner payment service, PayPal.
If you need assistance giving via PayPal, you can find more information here.
Feel free to request an offering envelope from one of our Ushers when attending in person.
You can place cash or checks in one of these envelopes and make it payable to Cornerstone Christian Church of God Edmonton.
Please contact finance@cccghq.org for bank account details.